My Dolly Week #10: The End of Waiting!

Welcome everybody! It is my 10th week already, talking about all doll and toy-related things that I did in the last seven days. I hope that everyone had a good week and you can also check me out on Instagram, where I like to post daily. πŸ™‚

My three girls are united and look so pretty next to each other: Pullip Laura (2015), Seila (2012) and Alura (2015)!
My three girls are united and look so pretty next to each other: Pullip Laura, Seila and Alura!

Last week two Pullip girls came home and made their way into my collection and heart. Like lots of collectors, I love completing collections. When I was able to score Pullip Seila from Mandarake, I could not help, but order Pullip Laura. She was on back-order from my go-to European sellers and so I was looking forward to her for over six weeks. And, if I have had to, I would have waited for this exquisite doll even longer! Laura was the last of the Creator’s Label Pullip with a face-up from mitsubachi@BabyBee that was still missing in my collection. Laura is the older sister of Pullip Alura and both were created with Seila’s face-up in mind from Pure Embers or Laura, who is a photographer and has one of my favorite Flickr-accounts. I am so in love with Pullip Laura, I cannot even tell you! And I need to redress Alura into one of her Momolita outfits. Still, it’s kind of fun to see her in pastel-colors… Continue reading My Dolly Week #10: The End of Waiting!

Review: Pullip Sailor Neptune

Who says that Luna cushions never come in handy?! Sailor Neptune is a 2015 release!
Who says that Luna cushions never come in handy?! Sailor Neptune is a 2015 release!

Sailor Neptune or Michiru Kaiou in her civilian form is my favorite character in the Sailor Moon universe because she is the embodiment of intellect and elegance. She is a quite serious character and tragic heroine. She is basically the total opposite of Usagi Tsukino, who is my other number one girl (it’s a tie, you see), who is clumsy and has a very welcoming personality. Pullip Princess Serenity is on her way (she is supposed to arrive tomorrow), but today it is Pullip Sailor Neptune’s turn. I have had her for several months now and it has not always been easy. In general you always have to pay more for collaboration and Creator’s Label dolls because there are more people involved. What this means at the same time for the collector, is that you kind of expect a premium product and this is, where some people got put off from the Sailor Moon releases. The most criticism was earned for sailor suits that are made out of pleather and also the dolls’ face-up are pretty minimal, which did not let collectors justify the price tag. My decision was to take it my time with the Sailor Moon series and start with Sailor Neptune to build my own opinion. She is beautiful and I love having her in my collection! Continue reading Review: Pullip Sailor Neptune

My Dolly Week #9: Outfits and Boxes!

Welcome to my weekly Dolly Week-post! Komonogatari turns two months-old today! And there is still so much to share, so please stay along for the ride! πŸ˜‰

Sundays are for relaxing on sofas that actually are Sumikko Gurashi cell phone stands!
Sundays are for relaxing on sofas that actually are Sumikko Gurashi cell phone stands!

Continue reading My Dolly Week #9: Outfits and Boxes!

Review: Pullip Alice du Jardin Mint Ver.

Pullip Alice du Jardin Mint is a release from 2012 and one of the most popular!
Pullip Alice du Jardin Mint is a release from 2012 and one of the most popular!

The mint version of Pullip Alice du Jardin (the pink Alice du Jardin is the original) is a 2012 release and extremely popular among collectors, which is probably the reason why Groove Inc. is still producing both versions as of this writing. She was my first Pullip and holds a very special place in my heart. I even cried, when she arrived because I was so happy to finally own a Pullip! Continue reading Review: Pullip Alice du Jardin Mint Ver.

My Dolly Week #8: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everybody and welcome to my eighth Dolly Week, my weekly post in which I like to ramble on about all dolly- and toy-related topics that crossed my way in the past seven days!

I was sick all week and am now so done with being cooped up at home. I just cannot wait to get out and to be able to do other things than sleep and watch anime all day. On a positive note, I also finally created a page for my doll reviews to make this blog more organized. It is going to be constantly updated with the newest reviews. The page is also linked in my side bar! Continue reading My Dolly Week #8: Happy Easter!

Review: Pullip Chloi Doll Carnival 2010

Pullip Chloi is just like her twin Clara a Doll Carnival 2010 limited release. There are 600 Chlois worldwide!
Pullip Chloi is, like her twin Clara, a Doll Carnival 2010 limited release. There are only 600 of her!

Last week I wrote about Groove’s 2010 limited Pullip release Clara and today it is time for her twin sister Chloi. Like Clara, Chloi also had the limited number of 600 pieces and was a special Doll Carnival Pullip. I bought both twins from Mandarake Japan, where rare dolls tend to show up once in a while. Continue reading Review: Pullip Chloi Doll Carnival 2010

My Dolly Week #7: Happy Palm Sunday!

Welcome to the seventh Dolly Week post! These are the weekly posts, in which I like to talk about all the random dolly- or toy-related things that crossed my way in the last seven days! Happy Palm Sunday! Can you believe that Easter is closing in?! (I mean, we all kind of have to, but still!)

Alice and Blythie wish you a happy Palm Sunday! Please stay warm and don’t catch a cold!!!

First of all: Komonogatari now has its own Twitter and Instagram and the links are in the side bar. Please feel free to check them out and I will post regular updates! Slowly I am getting the hang of it. Continue reading My Dolly Week #7: Happy Palm Sunday!

Review: Pullip Clara Doll Carnival 2010

Pullip Clara is a limited Pullip that was released in 2010.
Pullip Clara is a limited Pullip that was released in 2010. Only 600 Pullip Clara were made!

Pullip Clara is a release from 2010 and a very limited at that. She was especially made for the Doll Carnival as part of a duo with Pullip Chloi, her twin sister. Only 600 dolls of Clara and Chloi were sold each. I was able to acquire the lovely sisters through Mandarake and will post a review on Pullip Chloi next week. Today let’s focus on the pink twin! Continue reading Review: Pullip Clara Doll Carnival 2010

Review: Pullip Nana-chan

Pullip Nana-chan was released in 2014. Like all kitties she loves shopping bags!
Pullip Nana-chan was released in 2014. Like all kitties she loves shopping bags!

Some Pullip just steal your heart right away. Pullip Nana-chan is one of my biggest favorites that, in my opinion, belongs into every Pullip or even doll collection. I might also have to mention that cats are my favorite animals and this just added another reason to my long list, why Pullip Nana-chan is simply amazing. Nana, which is number seven in Japanese, is a collaboration doll with singer Mi-chan and Silver Butterfly. Nana-chan is designed with Mi-chan’s actual cat Nana-chan in mind. Mi-chan also got his own Taeyang doll. Silver Butterfly designed the clothes. She was released in 2014. Continue reading Review: Pullip Nana-chan

My Dolly Week #5

Pullip Alice du Jardin happily awaited spring!
Pullip Alice du Jardin happily awaited spring!

Another seven days have passed and it is time again for my weekly segment, where I like to ramble about dolly- and toy-related things. There were some quite interesting news this week, when Groove posted again about their Disney Cinderella collaboration and some online-stores started their pre-orders. Even though I am not eager to add her to my collection, this is great for collectors (Disney or Pullip) that want her. She will be out in Japan in April. Continue reading My Dolly Week #5