Pullip Funassyi, Pullip Dilettante & Pullip Bonnie Are Available For Pre-Order (Again)!

Pretty in Pink!This is going to be a rather quick post, but I think that it should definitely be worth a mention that some of my favourite dolls are going to make a comeback – as well as Pullip Funassyi being available in a super limited number on Pullip Style!

Pullip Funassyi Classical Lolita VersionWhen Pullip Funassyi was announced, I mentioned on this blog, how much I was in love with the whole look, but especially with the doll’s sweet look itself, since her faceup seems to have a nice balance between sweetness and innocence with rather unique and interesting makeup. You can get her through shipping services in Japan, since she is exclusive to Funassyi Stores, but luckily Pullip Style got the okay for a limited pre-order; making it easier for buyers overseas. And yes: This June (or more realistically July) you will be able to see a review of Pullip Funassyi from me!

Close-up of Pullip DilettanteI also need to point out the return of Pullip Dilettante, one of my grail dolls! She is so interesting with her modern day work outfit, ginger wig and amazing purple themed eye makeup! You can read my review about her here or watch my ‘Pullip Grail’ video, in which she makes an appearance, here!

Pullip Bonnie, I named her Vivi.Then there is Pullip Bonnie: You can read my review about her here and I will admit right away that, while I am not a fan of her stock outfit, I believe that she is one of the most beautiful Pullips in the last few years. I need to take more pictures of her, but every day I am amazed by her beautiful lips and sophisticated eyes. Her making a comeback is truly great news!

Are you happy about these girls being available again? I have to admit that sometimes the second (or third or fourth) round of availability for older releases gets me even more excited than new ones; it’s like finding a pot of gold! (Considering that Saint Patrick’s Day was yesterday…)

Thank you so much for reading!


Review: Pullip Dilettante (2014)

Pullip DilettantePullip Dilettante was one of the first Pullips that I discovered online and instantly loved. There is something about this girl, released in early 2014, which left me fascinated. Her concept isΒ  being a hard-working business girl in the big city, therefore her stock is quite unusual for a Pullip, being extremely chic business attire. I love otherworldly concepts, but sometimes it’s nice to have a selection of clothes that are more realistic in an adults day to day life, while still being super fancy. In her official description it does not say, how much her name ‘Dilettante’ actually refers to her character, but the way this girl is wearing her make-up and is dressing up, doesn’t scream dilettante to me! πŸ˜‰

Close-up of Pullip Dilettante Continue reading Review: Pullip Dilettante (2014)

My Dolly Week #27: MIO Dreams Came True!

Welcome, dear readers! We have now passed the six months mark and I want to express my gratitude to everybody, who likes to read my musings and likes my pictures! There will be a lot more fun content in the future, I promise! πŸ˜‰

Theodora in front of 2 MIO kits.Last week was super exciting: My fiancΓ© (who will be my husband in less than a week, time flies) gave me two MIO kits for my birthday. They are natural (skin toned) ones, which just got restocked on Pullipstyle. Even though they had to ship them all the way to Europe, everything went so nice and smoothly that I am a complete Pullipstyle convert now! Also, I cannot wait to paint my own face-ups. I will try to accept, how much I am going to suck at first, but I am sure, it is going to be a lot of fun! πŸ˜€ There is probably no time at all to start my projects before my honeymoon, but I already am working on my two new future girls’ concepts and hope to be able to translate it from paper into cute Pullips.

Stock photo of Pullip Nina.Equally exciting is the fact that 2006’s Pullip Nina will join my collection. I was checking listings on her for a while, but this week the prize for a NRFB doll suddenly dropped and now she is my next grail girl. I am so looking forward to her. She is already in customs and will arrive in a day or two. πŸ˜€ Hopefully, she will be okay and of course I am going to share my joy with all of you! πŸ˜‰ Sharing dolly joy is so wonderful and my favorite thing about this hobby: It is so lovely to be excited for each other!

Hattie in front of a stream.Hattie with donkey Apollo.On Friday we took Miss Hattie on a trip to my friend’s hometown, where we were able to meet her donkey Apollo and her sister’s French bulldog Emma. We spent the whole day playing and I was positively exhausted. I took lots of pictures of Hattie and enjoyed my first experience of outside dolly photography. It is so cute to fit a Pullip into scenery, which I am absolutely positive will also be the case with different dollies. That’s why I also want to take some pictures in Japan with some new dolly friends that might cross my path. So please look forward to my future photographs! πŸ˜€ Continue reading My Dolly Week #27: MIO Dreams Came True!

My Dolly Week #13: Customs & Pineapple Princesses!

Welcome to another My Dolly Week Sunday post. I write these posts every week, since I started this blog and like to share different doll related things that came across my way in the past seven days.

Pullip dressed as a cat in a mess
A lot is going on here-I was having a vision, but in the end this was all I could do!

First of all: Look at Theodora in the picture above! She is basically me, when I am having a nice day at home. Nothing matches, but I still feel fabulous! This week I randomly redressed my dolls without end. Some look great, some look questionable, but promised to forgive me. I also had my first case of picture theft on Instagram, but if they are going to continue, I will still go on to comment with a link to my profile. And in the end I will flag their account. So please do not wonder, if I have to put watermarks on my pictures in the future. Continue reading My Dolly Week #13: Customs & Pineapple Princesses!

My Dolly Week #9: Outfits and Boxes!

Welcome to my weekly Dolly Week-post! Komonogatari turns two months-old today! And there is still so much to share, so please stay along for the ride! πŸ˜‰

Sundays are for relaxing on sofas that actually are Sumikko Gurashi cell phone stands!
Sundays are for relaxing on sofas that actually are Sumikko Gurashi cell phone stands!

Continue reading My Dolly Week #9: Outfits and Boxes!

My Dolly Week #1

Optical Alice - the newest Pullip
Pullip Optical Alice

This is the first post of what will be a weekly segment about all the doll related things I did in the previous week. I hope you will enjoy it!

First of all: I finally got this blog started with my first post about the newest Groove Inc. release, which is Pullip Optical Alice. She was released on Amazon Japan last Sunday (February 19th) and they shipped her out so quickly that she arrived at my doorstep on Wednesday afternoon. She is so beautiful in person that it was a treat to take lots of pictures of her in her new home. She is a wonderful addition to my collection and I love how the Pullip Alice-dolls complement each other. I might consider buying missing Alices in the future with Romantic Alice and Alice du Jardin Pink on top of my list. Continue reading My Dolly Week #1