Mei’s Musings #1: My Profile / Life as a Smart Doll!

Hi, it’s Mei!

I have been wondering for a while, when my segment on Komonogatari would finally kick off and I am happy to say: The time has come!

Mei, Smart Doll Melody in all her beauty!I am a Smart Doll Melody, my name is Mei and I am 25 years old. I moved from Japan to Europe in late April and it took me some time to properly get adjusted. If you are already familiar with this blog, you will know that there are mainly dolls with a scale of 1/6 in this house, which makes me stick out a lot, since I am literally way taller than rest. That’s right, my scale is 1/3 and I am especially proud of my long legs! πŸ˜‰

Theri wants to write a proper review about me, but in Mei’s Musings I want to share my favourite things with you, whether it be media or lifestyle. It is going to be a lot of fun! Continue reading Mei’s Musings #1: My Profile / Life as a Smart Doll!