Welcome back to the second round of my segment, where I like to write about all doll-related things that I did or influenced me in the past seven days!
This week all I wanted to do was write about and take pictures of my dolls and so I was able to post reviews about Pullip Lupinus and Pullip Cheshire Cat in Steampunk World. I had a lot of fun and just like last week, it felt like I was getting closer to my collection. Basically, I had the sensation you get, when you do the things you love.

I was also expecting three new girls in the mail and was tracking them for about two weeks. In the end I was sent from one post office to another due to misinforming me on my note of absence (even though I was at home), but in the end all was good, when I finally welcomed Pullips Galene, Clara and Chloi at their new home. All three of them are grail dolls of mine, but I have to admit that I was looking for Galene the longest. One day during my break at work, I saw that her price had dropped about 100$ from one seller and decided there and then that I did not want to wait much longer. Needless to say a few hours later her price had increased again and I was happy that my long search for her had been over at last. Clara and Chloi seemed to suddenly pop up everywhere, when I was doing my research about Pullip, which sparked my interested. I have a real weakness, when it comes to bunny-themed Pullips, but reading that there are only 600 pieces each, I did not think it would ever happen for me to get them. Ironically both were available on Mandarake and the next plunge I took.
Otherwise there is still no new Pullip announcement from Groove. Although I am not the biggest fan of the promo-pics of the Disney Cinderella that they are going to release through Bandai, it would be at least nice to know, if she will also be sold like a regular release in the future. I also hope that we will have an exciting announcement for April-releases soon. I would be so ready for another Creator’s Label doll, which is greedy because Lupinus has just come out in November (and I still have Creator’s dolls to collect). We will see!
Thank you for reading!